When is the best moment to take a babywearing workshop?
Are you currently pregnant and you are wondering if it is better for you to have a babywearing consultation now, or wait until the baby is born? In this post I give you some tips to help you make that decision!

I got asked this question many times, so I thought it was about time to write a post about this. Is it better to have a consultation or take part on a babywearing workshop while you are still pregnant, or is it better to wait until your baby is born? The answer, not surprisingly, is that there is no right answer 🙂 As everything around parenthood, the key is simply finding out what works best in *your* situation. So let’s review a bit of the pros and cons of each option.
Taking a babywearing class during pregnancy
If you want to take a babywearing course during pregnancy, it could be a great idea! The main *benefit* is that get to try all the different types of carriers before your baby is born, and learn how to use it. You can then see which one feels more comfortable, and you can buy it before your baby arrives. That way, you can start wearing your child from the get go, and more importantly, with a carrier that you already know how to use comfortably and safely. Not having to think about all this in the immediate postpartum might be a bliss!
The downside is that you will have practiced and learnt how to use that carrier with a demo doll, and not with your real baby, so it might still take some effort to take what you learend and adapt it to that tiny human that came with its tiny own personality 🙂
Waiting until your baby is born
If you prefer to wait until baby arrives, it could also be a very good idea. The main advantage is that you will try all the carriers *with* your own baby, and then you can decide what works best for you as a binome (and so can dad!). As I said before, real babies have their own real personalities and it is nice to be able to put them also into the equation.
The main disadvantage here is that the first few weeks with a newborn are tough (sorry to be the bearer of bad news). You will be sleep deprived and adapting to a new family dynamics, which might not be the optimal conditions for learning a new skill. Because of this, most families wait a couple of weeks to come to a consultation. Which is perfectly fine, but then you don’t have the magical tool of babywaring available during those first weeks, where it could certainly add a bit of help towards your mental sanity.
As you can see, it is not obvious which option is the best. It really depends a lot on the family and the wishes of each parent! I can assure you that, no matter when you decide to take the class, it will leave you with an amazing tool for confort and connection. From my side, I will offer you one third option, in case you still cannot make up your mind: you can book a pregnancy package, from which you have the right to two Family Workshops, one before and one after baby arrives, at a discounted price. You can check out more about this option on the Babywearing Page.
Regardless of which method you chose, remember that I always offer post-consultation support through Whatsapp, so even if you took a course before baby is born, you can send me some photos to get a fit-check after they arrive!