Doula Support

As a doula and childbirth educator, I offer different ways to support you in your journey from pregnancy to postpartum, including both private and group events in Luxembourg.

Our journeys into parenthood are among the most vulnerable times of our lives, and when the most support we need. Unfortunately, in the reality those needs are almost never met, and women feel alone and isolated. This is specially true here in Luxembourg, where most of us do not have family around. As a doula, I support families during their pregnancies and parenthood journeys in any way they need. As a scientist, I like to bring evidence based information and the latest research to the hand of my clients, so that they can make informed decisions along their journeys.

Science has shown that having a doula supporting you during your pregnancy and birth has countless benefits, as for instance: a 39% decrease in risk of having a C-section, 15% increase in rates of spontaneous labor, 31% decrease in risk of being dissatisfied with the experience, 10% decrease in the use of pain medications, shorter labors by an average of 41 min, 38% decrease in risk of baby having a low Apgar score. [Source: EvidenceBasedBirth]

The general support provided by a doula can be as diverse and individual as every woman is unique. I can support you even before conception, during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. How exactly this support will look like will vary from woman to woman, so feel free to contact me to book a call in which we can discuss different options.

Here I would like to share with you some specific ways in which I can support you during your journey:

Preconception support

Getting pregnant might be easy and natural for some, but for others it might be a complicated and stressful endeavour. If you feel like you could need some extra support during your TTC journey, parcours PMA, IVF, or if you simply you could benefit from knowing more about your fertility, I am here to help.

Doula support during pregnancy

The support you get from a doula during pregnancy will be adapted to your specific situation, wishes and needs. If you decide to hire me as your doula, during this period we will as well get to know each other and built a trustful relationship.

Below you can find some particular ways in which I could support you during your pregnancy:

Prenatal consultations

During these consultations I provide support and evidence based information tailored to your needs and desires. I can help you prepare for the birth you envision (a physiological birth, a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean), etc), write a birth plan, chose a provider that is right for you, etc., all while making available for you the latest research, to help you understand and know your options at every step.
During these consultations we can discuss any topic you decide, and we can also use rebozo and movement techniques to help with prengancy-related discomforts. I could guide you through exercises to help make space for you and your baby so you enjoy your time together, as well as prepare your body for birth.
Couples or other birth partners are also welcome to join the sessions if they want to learn how to better support their partner during pregnancy and particularly labor and birth.

If you hire me as your doula, a number of these sessions will be included.

Location: Bettembourg, LU or online
Duration: approx 1.5h
Price: 120 eur
Language: English, French or Spanish

Shorter, more specific 1h sessions are available upon demand.

Birth is Movement prenatal course

Once every couple of months, I teach in Luxembourg city a prenatal course for pregnant women. Birth partners are welcome (and encouraged) to join as well. You can find all the details about the course in the dedicated page for the Birth is Movement course.

I also offer the possibility to take the course as a semi-private or private in Bettembourg, LU or online. Contact me to find out more.

Doula support during Labor and Birth

In Luxembourg, it is sometimes not at all easy to have a doula supporting you during your labor and birth, since for the moment hospital policies allow only one accompanying person in the laboring room. However, I can still support you while you labor at home (if you live within my region of coverage), and go with you to the hospital if for some reason you decide not to have another birthing partner. Normally, depending on the decision of your doctor, your partner and I could also switch in and out to support you in the labor room. I can also support you and your chosen birth-partner “virtually” when you go to the hospital.

Even though the system does not seem to be the most doula-friendly of the region, I can guarantee that hiring a doula will have countless benefits nonetheless. Even if she’s not with you in the hospital, your birth experience will doubtless be improved by having had her support during the previous months when planning and preparing for your birth.

If you would like to hire me as your doula, please contact me so we can talk about it, and I can share more details on the different options I can propose. I am not on call all the time, but I’d be happy to refer you to other amazing doulas in Luxembourg if the schedule does not seem to work.

Doula support during the postpartum period

Postpartum can be one of the most lonely moments in motherhood. The days and nights seem endless and as get to know our newborn and we adapt to their slower rhythms. Postpartum is a period that falls outside the regular time and dynamic of our society, and new mothers are usually left aside while all the attention is centered on the newborn baby.

Several of the services I offer might come useful for you during your postpartum journey. Babywearing will allow you bond with your newborn and respond to their needs while still retaining some of your freedom, and I am sure it will prove an invaluable tool of connection and regulation (for both of you!). You are invited also to come to our birth circles to share your birth story and meet other moms. On the other hand, I can also offer peer support in different topics around parenting, such as breastfeeding, BLW, motricité libre (Pikler approach to motricity), etc.

If you are interested in postpartum rituals inspired in the cerrada de caderas (closing of the bones ceremony, sometimes referred to as soins rebozo) offered by traditional american parteras, feel free to contact me so I can tell you more about it and we can arrange a ceremony that adapts to your own wishes and situation.

If you hire me as your doula, a number of postpartum visits will be included.

If you want to find out more or you would like to book any of these services, you can contact me.