Closing ceremony
Postpartum closing ceremonies (rebozo closing ritual/rituel rebozo/cerrada de caderas) in Luxembourg. A moment of reconnection.

A time of reconnection, a journey inwards to celebrate yourself, to take a break, make a pause, and transition to a new stage of your life.
A rite of passage to offer to yourself or to someone you love. To celebrate a new mother, the new moons of a young girl, a marriage; or as a tool to help you integrate difficult experiences.
These ceremonies are known with many different names: postpartum ritual, closing of the bones ceremony, rebozo closing ritual, rituel rebozo, soins rebozo. They are inspired on the ritual offered by traditional american parteras, known as “cerrada de caderas”. We propose a specific structure for our ceremonies, but if you have specific desires, we can always arrange a ceremony that adapts to your own wishes and situation.
You can come with your baby! We take good care of them, and they tend to benefit from the ritual too 🙂
The Ritual
The full ceremony has a duration of approximately 3 hours, and it develops as follows:
We will gather around the traditional beverage of this ritual, to welcome you and talk warmly about your wishes and expectations, so that we could better support you during these three hours.
Four handed massage
Under the soft light of some candles, you will relax during a whole body massage with warm oil.
Steam bath / warm bath – resting time
As inside a cocoon, you will be offered a moment of introspection, of physical and emotional rinse and detox.
Closing of the bones
The traditional “Cerrada de caderas“. A closing of 5 key points of the body with help of rebozos, to be able to put together again what was open, let go of what no longer serves you and mark the passage and the re-opening to your new version.
We finish the ritual gathering again back around a cup of tea and some snacks, a little oracle and exchange.

A ritual for women, facilitated by two women
I offer the closing ceremonies together with the osteopath Claire Georges at Centre Lunata, in Bertrange. You can book it in one of the following modalities:
- Full Ceremony
The complete ritual as described above, with a welcome moment, a two-handed massage, a resting time with a choice of a warm bath or a steam bath, a cerrada with rebozos and a closing moment around tea
Duration: 3 hours
Price: 400 eur - Massage & Cerrada
A shorter version of the ritual, consisting of a four handed massage, the cerrada with rebozos, and a closing moment around tea
Duration: 1.5 hours
Price: 250 eur - Rebozo express
A more focused session, offered by only one practitioner, consisting on an soft belly massage and a closing with rebozos of the 5 points of the body
Duration: 1 hour
Price: 120 eur
If you have any questions, or if you wish to book your slot, feel free to contact me. These are the standard formats of the ceremony that I propose, but I’d be happy to adapt them to your own wishes, desires and preferences.
You can also get it as a gift card / gift box (it is *the* most perfect birth gift, I assure you!) — see below for inspiration!