• Events

    March Babywearing Workshop at Cloche d’Or

    On March 17th 2025 I will be teaching a babywearing workshop in Gasperisch, Luxembourg. The workshop is open to parents with small children and expecting families. On March 17th I will be offering a group babywearing workshop at KindyROO — in Cloche d’Or Shopping Center, Gasperisch, Luxembourg. Due to general demand the language of the language will be english, but I will happily clarify in French or Spanish when needed. The workshop is open to parents of small children and expecting families. On this two and a half hours long workshop we will: Participants are also welcome to bring their own carriers, if they already have some, to try on…

  • Events

    Birth is Movement – March 2025

    A prenatal course in Luxembourg to help you (and your partner, if they wish to attend as well) navigate and enjoy your labor and birth. I am very happy to announce that I am opening the registrations for the next edition of my Birth is movement course! It will take place on Sunday March 30th 2025 at 13h at Moving Vibes Studio. This is is prenatal course thought to give you tools to be able to live fully that unique moment. We will learn about the physiology of birth and how to facilitate its natural development, as well as confort techniques and the importance of movement. We will get moving,…

  • Birth,  Pregnancy,  Research

    Are you eating your dates?

    Did you know that eating dates during the last weeks of pregnancy has many advantages? Keep on reading to find out more! You might have heard that you should eat dates during the last weeks of your pregnancy. But did you know that this is not just a myth or an old wives tale? Research actually backs this up! Keep on reading to find out more. Research on eating dates during pregnancy On this paper by Kura et al., researchers compared a group of two women: the women of the first group consumed six dates per day on the four weeks prior to their due date, and the women on…

  • Babywearing

    Babywearing in Winter

    Winter is coming! Though it feels like it is already here giving how chilly some mornings are. But with colder days, I am getting more and more often this question asked by my clients: how should I dress my baby (or child) for babywearing in cold days? In this post I will tell you all you need to know about babywearing in winter, so keep on reading! The main principle The main principle for babywearing in winter is: cover outside the carrier. Do *not* wear your kid on a snowsuit or thick overall, or while they are wearing a coat or a jacket. Why? Because it would be very hard…

  • Birth,  Luxembourg,  Pregnancy,  Research

    Move to be Born: challenging our preconceptions surrounding childbirth

    At the end of November I was honored to be part of the FNR’s Researcher’s Days, a science festival dedicated to bringing research closer to the wider public. I participated in the two first days of the exhibition that were exclusive for high school students. A total of 141 classes were present at the event, with more than 2660 students at teachers in total. Keep on reading to find out more about our participation on the 2024 Researchers Days! Giving birth like a movie star: not the best idea Movies and TV series tend to depict women giving birth lying down on their backs. However, research suggests that this is…

  • Events

    January 2025 Back Carrying workshop

    On Jan 24th I will be offering a babywearing workshop in Luxembourg, with focus on learning to carry your kid on your back. Do you love carrying your child, but you feel they are getting a bit heavy? Does your kid like to be carried all the time, and it is getting in the way of your household chores? Do you wish to go hiking with your toddler and be able to safely carry them when they get tired? In any of these cases, this workshop is right for you! In a small group, I will help you get confortable carrying your kid on your back, so that you can…

  • Birth,  Pregnancy,  Thoughts

    Some thoughts about preparing for birth

    During my first pregnancy, I was super in tune with my body. I kept dancing, flying, training, and I enjoyed every second of it. And I was very naive, for I believed that that was enough. I thought I didn’t need to prepare much for birth, since I was so connected with my body, so used to using it, to listening to it, to responding to it. I wanted to have an unmedicated birth, and I thought that I was used to pain, I was used to breathing through it, so I should be fine. Gosh was I wrong ? That is why, 4 years later, I put together a…

  • Breastfeeding,  Luxembourg,  Postpartum,  Thoughts

    Breastfeeding breaks in Luxembourg

    Women who breastfeed their children in Luxembourg are entitled to reduce their working hours by taking breastfeeding breaks or pause d’allaitement. Read below to find out more about how this works, and my personal take on this topic. Breastfeeding breaks: a right for every breastfeeding mother In Luxembourg, every woman that breastfeeds their child has the right to reduce their working hours by taking the so called “breastfeding breaks” or “temps d’allaitement”. This might be shocking to some, and some might even say think it is unfair or unnecessary. But when looking at the numbers, breastfeeding for a year takes approximately 1800 hours. A full-time job with three weeks of…

  • Birth,  Events,  Luxembourg,  Postpartum,  Pregnancy

    Esferodinamia: a way to move through pregnancy

    Esferodinamia: Weekly movement classes in Luxembourg for pregnancy, to move and connect with your body and your baby. A technique to help you move and connect During the spring I was lucky to be able to take a training that I had been wanted to take for a long time, and I became an Esferodinamia Instructor for Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum. Esferodinamia is a technique in which one move (dynamis) with the help of big balls (sphaerae) and other elements such as smaller balls, suspensions and chairs or barres. Classes, particularly during pregnancy, are much more than a workout: they are meant to help women reconnect with their bodies, acknowledge…

  • Birth,  Thoughts

    Protecting birth is protecting families

    International Week for Respected Childbirth May is the month in which the International Week for Respected Childbirth is ‘celebrated’. It was a few weeks ago, and the theme for this year is “Protecting births is protecting families”. And it really is. Protecting birth is protecting their entering into this world, is giving them a warm and loving welcome. Protecting birth is protecting the bond between the child and the mother. A birth where the woman feels respected and empowered, and where the natural processes are respected as well, is the best way to promote attachment and bonding in the immediate postpartum. Of course, having had a good birth does not…