
Birth is Movement – December 2024

A birth preparation course in Luxembourg to help you (and your partner, if they wish to attend as well) navigate and enjoy your labor and birth.

I am very happy to announce that I am opening the registrations for the next edition of my Birth is movement course! It will take place on Sunday December 1st at 14h15 at Aeroyoga Luxembourg.

This is is a birth prep course thought to give you tools to be able to live fully that unique moment. We will learn about the physiology of birth and how to facilitate its natural development, as well as confort techniques and the importance of movement. We will get moving, learn to recognize our pelvis and experiment with different props and positions. It consists on 40 min of online recorded material + a 2h45 long in-person class.

Partners are welcome (and encouraged!) to come! So much so that I have a huge discount for couples 🙂

In the dedicated page for the Birth is Movement course you will the detailed program, and also some testimonies of families that already took it! If you want to know how I came around to teaching this course, you can learn some of my journey on the About page. But long story short, this is basically the course I wish I had taken during my first pregnancy! And with it I hope to help you have the amazing birth experience that you deserve.

To register, you can fill out the form below! And feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Early bird price — 100 eur per couple when registering and paying the total fee before November 1st, 2024

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