Birth,  Pregnancy,  Thoughts

Some thoughts about preparing for birth

During my first pregnancy, I was super in tune with my body. I kept dancing, flying, training, and I enjoyed every second of it.

And I was very naive, for I believed that that was enough. I thought I didn’t need to prepare much for birth, since I was so connected with my body, so used to using it, to listening to it, to responding to it.

I wanted to have an unmedicated birth, and I thought that I was used to pain, I was used to breathing through it, so I should be fine.

Gosh was I wrong ?

That is why, 4 years later, I put together a prenatal course and named it “Birth is Movement”. It is basically everything I wish I’ve known before my first birth. And this is also a key ingredient of who I am as a doula: someone that knows about the important of connecting with your own body, but that also knows it might not be enough.

I believe those are pretty much the pillars of the way I support women, and they are present in everything I offer (the Birth Village, the Birth is Movement prenatal course, the Esferodinamia pregnancy ball classes, etc.):

✨ getting to know your body, learning to listen to it

✨ getting informed with updated, evidence-based knowledge

✨ balancing the two in order to trust yourself, your baby and the process

If this resonantes with you at all, and you are looking for a doula, or for prenatal exercise classes, or for a prenatal course, or for pregnancy circles… I am here! ❤ feel free to reach out.

see you around ❤

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