Pregnancy Workshops

Be present on your pregnancy & project your birth.

Pregnancy and birth are crucial events in the lives of women, and they change us forever. Unfortunately, in current times we are always busy, running around, having tasks to fulfil and deadlines to meet, and we have no time to trully connect with our current pregnancy or our upcoming birth.

On this workshop I propose you to take a pause, and be present on your pregnancy, to be able to project your birth so you can live it mindfully.

  • We will discuss about our relationship with pain, and talk about the different coping techniques to be used during labor, and the importance of finding your own ritual during contractions
  • We will talk about the importance of birth plans, and each woman will create her own visual birth plan while we go over the different options
  • We will also together create a labor charm for each participant that will be a connecting line between the baby in the womb, during labor, and after they are born
  • We will learn to recognize our pelvis and visualize the journey of the baby during labor
  • We will review different activities to do at home

These pregnancy workshops take place at Centre Lunata, and they have a very different dynamic compared to my Birth is Movement course. The Birth is Movement course works in a way in which I do most of the teaching, including slides and practical exercises. I follow a schedule and I share a lot (I mean it… a looot!) of information. It is a more expositive, lecture-like class.

These workshops, on the contrary, are very hands-on. They are for much smaller groups and, even though I propose some activities and share information on some topics, I adapt the content to the participants. Women share views and stories and have a lot of space to propose which topics they’d like to discuss. They are safe, flexible and intimate circles in which I get to have a two-way conversation with all the participants.

There is no option better than the other, I honestly love boths! And I believe women could benefit from both dynamics, that is why I’m happy to be able to be offering them.

Location: Centre Lunata (Betrange, LU)
Duration: 2h
Price: 65 eur per person, including materials

If you want to have more details on the courses or workshops, or have any questions, please feel free to contact me. You can check the upcoming dates on the Events section.